Monthly Newsletter January 2023
What to focus on in 2023!
My main focus when it comes to skincare and skin preservation is to keep
it simple yet worthy for all my patients. To do that, I need to keep myself
informed with the newest treatments and trends on the market. That said,
it takes time and expertise to know what works best and given the fact
that you are dealing with an individual, everyone unique in his or her own
way, and with all the different treatment modalities available, it really takes
some effort and trust to convince a new or potential aesthetic patient to
do a certain treatment or follow your advised plan. Now, I am not here to
convince anyone, but through years of experience I feel comfortable to sit
with someone and discuss different individualised treatment options
which will have your best interest at heart.
I have mentioned it before, we should steer away from comparing
aesthetic medicine with one or more stand-alone treatments, and start
talking about the importance of combination treatments, all with its own
unique properties, indications, benefits, and positive outcomes. One
treatment is not better than the other, it might be just more effective in
you than in someone else due to multiple factors like age, gender, race,
location, time of year etc.
Before I discuss any of the above-
mentioned procedures, I would like
to emphasize a new treatment
modality which made a re-entrance
this year in SA, called Biostimulators.
There is a few on the market, all with
incredible properties and indications,
a treatment I will include going
forward in all my Aesthetic plans.
Monthly Newsletter January 2023
Bio-stimulation involves the modification of the environment to
stimulate existing bacteria capable of bioremediation.
Biostimulator: Substance similar to dissolvable sutures creates a
stimulus to the skin
Biostimulator > senescent fibroblast
Elastin / Collagen
Hyaluronic acid
producing components of the extracellular matrix responsible for
holding everything together
Important factors to consider + Choice of stimulator
A consultation is mandatory, sterile setup
Indications / contra indications
Pt’s budget
How quickly do you want to see results
Time frames
Availability for follow up, how often can you come in for maintenance
Talk to your aesthetic specialist about the best biostimulator for you!
Important factors to consider:
Unless you are considering surgery in the near future, I will definitely make
Biostimulators my foundation of maintenance and combine it with other
modalities like PRP (Vampire Facial), dermal fillers and general skin care.
Neurotoxin - Dysport & Botox – still plays a massive part in the
maintenance plan but as a wrinkle relaxer in expressive parts of the face,
you don’t get much skin rejuvenation out of neurotoxin besides a
smoother and more youthful appearance, temporary. You still need to
boost your skin for optimal results. PRP is a stunning, effective, non-evasive
treatment using your own body’s growth ability to address superficial skin
concerns, like fine line around and especially under the eyes, dark circles,
sun spots and other blemishes and even skin tone. PRP is playing a big
part in hair loss rejuvenation and don’t forget it’s crucial role in intimate or
sexual rejuvenation, penile and vaginal, the so call P- and V- Shot.
Great for stimulating senescent/sleeping fibroblasts – the cells responsible
for the continuous production of collagen, elastin and hyaluronic acid, your
hydration cell but also an incredible tool for as part of a thorough thought
through long term maintenance plan.
Just more on biostimulators:
January 2023
We can discuss every individual treatment in detail but might end up
overloading the potential patient and at the same time sow confusion.
Best is to know about the treatments, read up on it but then discuss it with
an expert to understand exactly why something might fit you better and
which treatment does not.
We slowly start losing our fibroblast function at around 25, which means
we loose collagen, elastin and moist from a rather young age, which
means we are getting older already from our mid-twenties, a daunting
thought, BUT we don’t have to go overboard with anything, with the
correct plan and expertise, we can maintain these aging factors
Monthly Newsletter