Our Services



Dermaplaning is a skin treatment that exfoliates the skin and remove dead skin cells and vellus hair better known as “peach fuzz”. This treatment is safe for most patients and doesn’t require any downtime for recovery which makes it extremely convenient which makes it the perfect treatment to do before an event. The most common question with this treatment is “ will my facial hair grow back thicker” and the awnser is no , it will grow back with the exact same texture and colour.

Benefits of Dermaplaning:

  • Smooth and even skin texture
  • Youthful and radiant looking skin
  • Better product penetration as a result of the vellus hair removal

It takes 4-5 weeks for vellus hair to grow back. To maintain the results this treatment can be repeated every 4 weeks. Dermaplaning is the perfect treatment to do before an event.

Attain Smooth Skin
