Our Services

Platelet Rich Plasma

PRP - Vampire Facial

Platelet-rich plasma (PRP) is a revolutionary technology, using ingredients of your own blood, which can help to regenerate and rejuvenate your skin providing you with age-defying results – suitable for all skin types. PRP is the part of the blood that is rich in growth and repairing factor (active proteins) essential for tissue regeneration and healing. These growth factors mimic the body’s natural wound healing process. During this process collagen, elastin and new blood vessels are increased, and damaged skin repaired and regenerated. PRP reduces the appearance of fine lines and wrinkles, improves skin texture leaving you with a healthy glowing skin.

PRP can also be injected in the hair line and sculp to naturally stimulate hair growth. Hair restoration is suitable for both men and women.

We are also offering sexual or intimate rejuvenation. PRP to be injected in male and female intimate areas.

Procedure time: 1h

Downtime: Slight risk of mild swelling and redness up to 24 hours post procedure.

Number of treatments:

  • Skin rejuvenation – A booster treatment after 4 weeks. A maintenance plan will be discussed
  • Hair restoration – Minimum of 3 treatments, at 4-week intervals. Then a recommended maintenance treatment at 3-monthly intervals
  • Intimate PRP – A booster treatment after 4 weeks. A maintenance plan will be discussed.
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